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Tax benefit for Senior Citizens for AY 2023-2024

  • Posted By SuperCA
  • On 25 February

Tax benefit for Senior Citizens for AY 2023-2024


As we age, our income may decrease and we may have to rely on our savings and pensions for financial support. Recognizing this, the Indian government provides certain tax benefits for senior citizens to help ease their financial burden. In this blog, we will discuss the tax benefits available to senior citizens for the assessment year 2023-2024.

The Indian government provides several tax benefits to senior citizens to help them lead a financially secure life. These benefits include a higher basic exemption limit, deductions on medical expenses and interest income, lower tax rates, exemption from payment of advance tax, and tax relief in case of capital gains. Senior citizens should make the most of these benefits and consult a tax professional if they need assistance in understanding the tax laws and regulations. SuperCA acts as a Tax Saviour for you. Our systems are designed to suggest deductions and tax exemptions applicable to income tax returns and also ensure that the clients get the maximum possible tax refund and they do not pay more than they owe.

Who qualifies as a senior citizen?

In India, a person who is 60 years or older is considered a senior citizen for tax purposes. However, for the purpose of claiming certain tax benefits, the age limit has been lowered to 80 years or older.

Tax benefits available to senior citizens:

  • Higher basic exemption limit: For senior citizens who are 60 years or older but less than 80 years of age, the basic exemption limit is Rs. 3 lakh for the assessment year 2023-2024. For those who are 80 years or older, the basic exemption limit is Rs. 5 lakh. This means that senior citizens do not have to pay any income tax on income up to these limits.

  • Deduction on medical expenses: Senior citizens can claim a deduction of up to Rs. 50,000 on medical expenses incurred during the year for themselves or their dependent spouse, children, or parents. This deduction is over and above the deduction available for medical insurance premium paid under section 80D of the Income Tax Act.
  • Deduction on interest income: Senior citizens can claim a deduction of up to Rs. 50,000 on interest income earned from deposits held with banks and post offices. This deduction is available under section 80TTB of the Income Tax Act and is applicable for interest earned on deposits with banks, co-operative banks, and post offices.
  • Exemption from payment of advance tax: Senior citizens who do not have any income from business or profession are exempt from payment of advance tax. This means that they can pay their entire tax liability at the time of filing their income tax return.
  • Lower tax rate: For senior citizens who are 60 years or older but less than 80 years of age, the tax rate is lower than that for non-senior citizens. The tax rate for senior citizens is as follows:
    • Income up to Rs. 3 lakh: Nil
    • Income from Rs. 3 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh: 5%
    • Income from Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 10 lakh: 20%
    • Income above Rs. 10 lakh: 30%

      For senior citizens who are 80 years or older, the tax rate is even lower. The tax rate for such senior citizens is as follows:

    • Income up to Rs. 5 lakh: Nil
    • Income from Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 10 lakh: 20%
    • Income above Rs. 10 lakh: 30%
  • Tax relief for senior citizens in case of capital gains: Senior citizens can claim tax relief under section 54 and section 54F of the Income Tax Act when they sell their house property or any other long-term capital asset and invest the proceeds in another house property. This tax relief is available only to individuals who are 60 years or older.
  • Exemption from filing income tax return: Senior citizens who have income from pension and interest from savings accounts are exempt from filing income tax returns if their total income does not exceed the basic exemption limit.



It is important for senior citizens to keep track of their income and expenses and maintain proper documentation to claim the tax benefits available to them.

They should also be aware of the deadline for filing their income tax returns and pay their taxes on time to avoid penalties and interest charges.

In addition to the tax benefits provided by the government, senior citizens can also take advantage of other financial schemes such as senior citizen savings schemes and reverse mortgage schemes to generate additional income.

Senior citizens should also consider investing in tax-saving instruments such as National Pension System (NPS), Public Provident Fund (PPF), and tax-saving mutual funds to reduce their tax liability.


In a nutshell, the tax benefits available to senior citizens for the assessment year 2023-2024 are designed to help them lead a financially stable and comfortable life. Senior citizens should make the most of these benefits by taking advantage of the deductions and exemptions provided by the government and investing in tax-saving instruments to reduce their tax liability. By doing so, senior citizens can ensure that they have a secure financial future and enjoy their retirement years without any financial worries.

At SuperCA, we are a young & energetic qualified team of tax experts for providing you with one-stop solutions to all your filing and tax-related queries. With the technological expertise of the younger generation and the knowledge of our professionally experienced experts and accountants, we developed and improved our working methods and internal procedures upholding our one and only motive of providing the most comprehensive and efficient service and facilities to our clients with due care of professional ethics. Do connect with us for a free consultation.
